ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

To Send Your Response Back to the General Correspondence Author

  1. Go to the Incoming folder.
  2. Open the general correspondence and acknowledge it if required. See To Acknowledge a General Correspondence (portal).

    You can respond to a general correspondence even if you are not required to respond, however if acknowledgement is required, you will not be able to respond until you first acknowledge.

  3. Select the Responses tab (clicking Start responding also opens the Responses tab).
  4. Enter a response in the Your response field.
  5. Expand the Details section below your response and do the following:
    1. (Optional) Attachments - Click Browse to add one or more attachments along to your response.
    2. Below the Attachments field, fill out any additional custom response attributes as needed.

      If there are no additional attributes in this section, it means the administrator has not defined any custom response attributes for this general correspondence package type.

  6. Click Send response.